Missy Lancaster has recently signed to Sony music Australia and released her debut major label EP (her second overall). We caught up with the gorgeous pop/country star to find out more about the EP and when we can expect more music.

You’ve just released your new EP through Sony are you happy with how it turned out?

Missy Lancaster
Yeah for sure. I think it’s a really good introduction. It represents who I am as a person and what I’m about. The sound is exactly where I wanted to go with it. I’m really happy with it.

How was the experience of writing/recording in Nashville?

Missy Lancaster
Many of the best writers, singers and musicians are based in Nashville. It’s really taught me a lot about being a songwriter and being a singer as well. It really opens up your eyes and you see just how much talent there is out there and just how competitive it is.

Did you get much of a chance to explore Nashville?

Missy Lancaster
Yeah heaps. The recent trip I did was a different experience because I was 21. So I was able to go out and it did inspire me a lot to see the night life and see what Nashville is all about.

What do you think is the big difference between the Australian country music scene and American country music scene?

Missy Lancaster
It’s just so big in America and there are so many opportunities. It’s also competitive but once you break through there is such a close community that you get opportunities and I think the community really gets behind you and they kind of push you up. I think it’s been hard for someone new to break through in Australia and go to the upper level here in the last few years. We have incredible artists here and all different styles of country and it would be good to see a few emerging artists go up a level no matter what style they play.

Is it more common to hear country artists on American radio?

Missy Lancaster
Yeah for sure. Country is very mainstream over in America.

Can we do a track by track rundown from the EP firstly “that’s what I’m talking about” ?

Missy Lancaster
The song is just about heading out somewhere you could be going for a night out or camping or going anywhere. It’s just about living in the moment and having a good time.

“Forever 21”?

Missy Lancaster
“Forever 21” is just about being forever 21 (laughs). It’s just about not wanting to grow up. I think as a young person we put to much pressure on ourselves. There’s so much pressure to go to uni, buy a house and save money. I feel like we should just embrace being young.

“Don’t wanna say goognight”?

Missy Lancaster
It’s about being apart from your partner, identifying the distance between you and not wanting to hang up the phone.

“All kinds of crazy”?

Missy Lancaster
It’s just about jumping into a relationship head first and not knowing whether you might get hurt. It’s about taking the risk.

“Back row”?

Missy Lancaster
“Back row” is about being at a concert in the back row with someone that you have feelings for.

“I gotta go to know”?

Missy Lancaster
The song is about going out into the world and finding out things for yourself. I think we listen too much to what people have to tell us. To do things for yourself you really have to go out and find out because we all have different experiences.

With you did singing come first or playing guitar?

Missy Lancaster
Singing came first then guitar. I always loved singing and I really wanted to get some lessons then I started playing guitar. I suppose they kind of worked hand in hand. But I have been singing since I was really little.

When you play live you’ll do a lot of covers. What’s the weirdest audience request you’ve ever had?

Missy Lancaster
Probably AC/DC not that I don’t know their songs but when you sing and play an acoustic guitar it’s a bit hard to play (laughs).

Is their a cover song that you’ve learnt that you would of loved to have written?

Missy Lancaster
Yeah probably the song “Burning house” by Cam. That song is just a smash!

There’s obviously going to be tons of comparisons between yourself and Taylor Swift because of the pop/country genre. Do you ever see yourself shaking off the country and heading towards a pop direction?

Missy Lancaster
I’m open to any kind of genre I don’t think we can ever lock ourselves into one genre. I have grown up listening to country music and that does come naturally to me but where my music sits at the moment is down the country pop line. But who knows at some point I might do a jazz album. It’s just about where my life experiences take me but country music will always be my main genre. That will always be the genre that comes most easily to me. For me, I want to be versatile and I am open to music in all its forms.

Lastly for all of the people who have grabbed the EP and are wanting more when can we expect an album?

Missy Lancaster
Probably mid next year there will be an album out. I haven’t got any confirmed dates yet but that’ll be around the time.

Can you drop any names of who you’ve been working with?

Missy Lancaster
One of them is Lindsay Rimes who is my producer. He’s had a couple of hits with The McClymonts, Lee Kernaghan, Taylor Henderson and Troye Sivan. Also I’m working with Phil Barton who wrote “A woman like you” by Lee Brice. Also Josh Kerr who’s had 2 number one hits recently.

And will the album follow a similar theme of being confident and having a good time?

Missy Lancaster
Yeah for sure. When people listen to my music I want them to have a good time so that’ll be the main theme.

(interview by Christian Ross)

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