Boise, Idaho’s Young, Planetary have just dropped their new EP ‘Locations I Can’t Place’.

Stream the EP here:

Buy the vinyl: (ships later this year)

The band says, “It seems like several lifetimes ago that we all met up to start putting together what would eventually become the, “Locations I Can’t Place,” EP.
We truly cannot put into words how utterly insane life has been for us since we started this process almost exactly three years ago to the day. In fact, there were several points throughout where we didn’t think the record would come out at all. Whether it was personal hardships, a lack of resources, or just full on mental and emotional breakdowns, it seemed like every step forward we took, we ended up taking several steps back.

However, as unrelentingly challenging as getting this record out has been, it wasn’t all doom and gloom. In making this album, we all grew so much, both personally and professionally. Sure, we started out as just a few dudes in a room, nervous to see if this project would ever go anywhere. But, over the last few years, we (as cliche and, “VH1: Behind the Music,” it sounds) became a dysfunctional, little family.

And speaking of family, we would be remiss if we failed to acknowledge the absolute village it took in order to make this record possible. We had some outstanding contributors to this album, which is new for us. Normally, as a band, we keep our business and our songwriting tucked away behind the scenes as much as possible. But, in welcoming people into our process this time around, we were able to get some incredibly unique and memorable moments that we think all of you are really going to appreciate.

But, with all of this being said, we do have to address how utterly fucked up this year has been. 2020, at least for us, was going to be our year. We had plans to tour a few times, plans to get back in the studio at some point, and even plans for all of us to go our separate ways in one way or another.

As you all know, though, it didn’t exactly work out that way. And, with everything that has happened this year, it seems as though we are all going to be stuck in the hell on Earth that is 2020 for quite some time.

So, from our band to you, all we ask is that the first time you listen to our record, you listen to it with the volume cranked. You bump that shit like you’ve never bumped anything before. You learn all the fucking words and you scream them as loud as you possibly can. Because right now we could all use some relief. We could all use a chance to breathe and heal and, for the lack of better words, break some shit.

We know the world is on fire, and it’s going to burn for a long, long time. But, for now, all we can do is come together as a community and fight harder than we have ever fought before. And we sincerely hope that these silly punk songs of ours can inspire you to live to fight another day.”

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