Naked Raygun frontman Jeff Pezzati has announced plans to release his first solo EP on May 19th. Titled The First EP, it contains five tunes he has played for friends over the years but never felt it was the right time to release, until now. It kicks off with “Make Me Whole”, an epic, orchestral 6 and a 1/2 minutes, followed by the purposely lo-fi song “It’s Late,” which shines with vulnerability. The melodic, anthemic “Chromatic Song” employs his pop sensibilities, paving the way for “Ipcress File”, a paean to the mid-60s Michael Caine spy flick. The EP closes with “Who Killed Retro Girl”, which Pezzati was inspired to write after reading the graphic novel by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming.

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