8BIT Events and MC Lars are postponing the Zombie Dinosaur tour until November due to unforeseeable health reasons.  Ticket refunds are available.

MC Lars stated – ” …between the 12 hour drives, short nights, cold weather and very few days off, I found that I was having trouble breathing on stage, and was losing my voice more than normal (you may have seen or heard it on my Instagram haikus).  I came back to NY, went to the doctor’s, had a chest x-ray, and found that I had caught a very serious case of pneumonia somewhere on the road.  The doctor in Brooklyn put me on an intense antibiotic, and I’ve been stuck in bed sine I’ve gotten home.  I am getting better, but it’s taken much longer than I would have liked.  It’s frustrating because I never like to slow down.”

Tickets refunds are available from Point of Purchase.