As It Is, have announced the release of their new album, ‘The Great Depression’, out August 10th on Fearless Records / Caroline Australia, with new single, ‘The Wounded World’

Speaking of the track and the accompanying video, frontman Patty Walters says, “The Wounded World’ is a commentary on the polarised and volatile modern reality, which we’ve allowed. The video depicts a not-so-distant dystopia, where present-day headlines and technologies are displayed in exhibits as the warning signs of an impending disaster. I feel that we as a society have embodied a destructive habit of talking without listening, surrounding ourselves with alternative facts and headlines, totally void of open-mindedness or empathy. Despite the labels and beliefs that all too often divide us, we are one people, and we’re all to blame.”



Walters says of the album: “The Great Depression’ is about the societal romanticisation of depression, the disrepair of present-day human connection, told through the story of a man who finds himself face-to-face with Death. This album is about asking questions rather than offering answers, exploring the lines where consolation and glorification collide, and asking if art is too subjective to offer a universal solution. We’ve approached this subject with the tremendous respect and sensitivity it warrants. Mental health awareness and prioritisation has always been immensely important to us, and we want to use this platform for good and to challenge problematic behaviours and stigmas.  More so than ever before, we’ll be working alongside incredible non-profits, donating proceeds to worthy causes, and using our music in hopes of creating a positive change.”

When music is as its best, it is capable of holding a mirror up to the human condition in a way few other art forms can ever match. In the hands of the observant, the erudite, the compassionate and the philosophical, music allows us to better understand who we are and feel powerfully less alone. 

With their third album ‘The Great Depression’, As it Is are comprehensively proving themselves to be such artists. Stepping out of their comfort zone with aplomb while asking, and answering, complex questions in a way precious few bands ever do. 

Across ‘The Great Depression’s dozen tracks, As It Is take the listener on a journey which delves into every aspect of arguably the most prevalent social ill of our time. From public perception, to internal war, the quartet unflinchingly confront the most difficult questions around depression, the value of life over death, and whether the rhetoric around ‘reaching out to talk’ is ostensibly hollow, if no one is prepared to hear those words.

The Great Depression
Out August 10 via Fearless Records / Caroline Australia

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