Steel Panther are rude, crude and a shocker in the best possible way. Soon the 80’s glam metal inspired band will be back on Australian shores. We were lucky enough to catch up with their ridiculously good looking bass player Lexxi Foxx ahead of them coming down under.

Hey Lexxi it’s a huge honour to be speaking to the best looking bass player in metal. So what have you been up to in 2016 so far?

Lexxi Foxx
Thanks man I appreciate it very much. It’s been kind of a cool year first of all it’s been a chill year for us. We’ve been focused on doing our next record. We just finished up all the music for the most part. Satchel wrote his ass for the last couple of years. So we’ve had time off as far as touring goes because we’ve just been in studio. But the next 6 months are going to be crazy and there’s no better place for real to kick it off than Australia then hopefully beginning of next year put out our new record.

The news recently broke that Taylor Swift has become single. Are you worried she’s going to try and snap one of Steel Panther up now?

Lexxi Foxx
Nah. We all have a deal that none of us can have girlfriends. One time Satchel was in a long relationship and it almost broke the band up. He was dating the same girl for 2 and a half weeks and it was one of those things where we didn’t know what to do. He was this whole different person. We are down to party with Taylor now that she’s single though. She always hooks up with dudes and has to have a relationship why can’t she just sleep around and have a good time. Then whatever happens, happens. These long relationships she’s been in they just blow.

So there’s no way she’s going to get one of us. Plus we like to party and even though she’s still young we are old men but I’m sure we could outlast her for sure.

Congrats on the Live From Lexxi’s Mom’s Garage DVD. Were you surprised how good Steel Panther sounds acoustic and with strings?

Lexxi Foxx
Yeah I tell you I’ve never had to work that hard before having to break the songs down acoustically. We just wanted to do something like that to hold everybody off until we put this next record out. Because our fans have been so great. I do have to say to all the Aussie readers we have never blown up anywhere faster than we have in Australia. So it really is a big deal for us to be able to go over there and perform for everybody. Whether it be in Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane it doesn’t make a difference because everywhere we go we are treated so well. It’s so bad ass because we all love Australia and obviously you have beautiful women. We can’t wait to get over there and put on a great show for all those great fans.

Is there anything you love to do when you get back to Australia? Have a meat pie or some vegemite maybe?

Lexxi Foxx
It isn’t so much the food for me. Michael is a bit heavier but I don’t want to be that heavy so I just throw up my food. I think I’d get fired if I gained any weight. So it’s not so much the food that turns me on about Australia but it definitely is your women and your beaches. I know it’s cold there now but I don’t mind I still like going to the Sydney zoo and I like just walking around. There’s so many good rock bars like Frankie’s Pizza there’s so many great things to do in Australia.

How do Australian audiences compare to the rest of the world?

Lexxi Foxx
The shows in Australia are a lot bigger and again the Australian women are just so fucking hot. I think that the Australian accent is the coolest accent in the world. If I could change the way I talk it would definitely be Australian it’s a bad ass accent. When I hear Australian girls talking it’s just bad ass.

Do you have any backstage rituals before you hit the stage?

Lexxi Foxx
Yeah I mean I just take a couple of pills. But that’s one thing about going over there because your customs are really tough so we can’t take our drugs over there. We have to wait until we get there. But I’ll usually take a couple of pills and a shot of patron something to take the edge off and loosen me up. We all love to party a little bit before we go on stage but I’ll say this to all the bands out there, party responsibly. You can be hammered but just don’t act like your hammered. The fans deserve a lot better than to see some slobbering drunk up on stage pissing himself and thinking that’s entertaining. Nobody wants to see that so party responsibly. So we never over do it before the show but after the show you can ask anybody we definitely over do it.

Do you have a favourite Australian female celebrity?

Lexxi Foxx
I would have to say Olivia Newton John I’ve had a crush on her ever since I was a teenager. She’s always been bad ass. I might have a new crush though I saw in Kerrang magazine an article on a new Australian band with a blonde chick lead singer.

I’d say it was probably Jenna from Tonight Alive.

Lexxi Foxx
I don’t remember their band name but all I know is she’s totally fucking hot.

Since you guys last came Tinder has become really popular in Australia. How do you feel about Tinder?

Lexxi Foxx
I think it’s bad ass. But for me it’s tough for us to use it because we are busy working. We really don’t have to go seek anything out. I don’t have time to swipe left or right I have fun doing it old school just doing it like any rocker would do. In the 80’s there was nothing like that going on.

Another thing that’s made it’s way down to Australia is the term Netflix and chill. Do Steel Panther Netflix and chill?

Lexxi Foxx
It’s such a big deal here too I don’t know why that is. It’s like the new thing of saying let’s go have dinner and see a movie now its like lets go back to my place watch Netflix and get a pizza.
I usually just put on videos at my mums place. Because the drugs that I take don’t have me sitting in one place for a long period of time.

“Death to all but metal” has an awesome video. What was it like working with Sarah Silverman?

Lexxi Foxx
It was a blast she is so awesome. She is a sweetheart and bass ass. We didn’t have to give her any drugs to have fun with it she was just really, really cool. The other guys don’t know this because they think that nothing happened. Well they know now but didn’t at the time. Sarah and I had a really bitchin connection on that video…so she’s also a really good kisser I’ll just say that.

You guys have been attributed to bringing back metal. Do you feel like you might of also helped the Guns n Roses reunion?

Lexxi Foxx
I don’t know about that. Guns n Roses kind of put a staple on heavy metal. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Guns n Roses or bands that did all this way before we did. I think it’s pretty bad ass that these bands are touring that we love so much like Def Leppard and AC/DC. We toured with Def Leppard and Motley Crue a few years ago and it was awesome. I’ve been in the studio so I don’t know all the latest Axl news but if he’s bringing heavy metal back then I’ll be in the front row.

“Community property” is such an amazing power ballad that I’m sure has been played at countless weddings. When you wrote that did you realise it would be such a huge hit?

Lexxi Foxx
We I didn’t have too much to do with the writing. I just have to make sure I stay skinny and get Botox. Satchel is the songwriter. It was one of Satchel’s first songs that he wrote and I remember we were driving down to San Diego and he played it for me and I was like oh my gosh this is going to be something that people will totally dig. We knew it was going to be a hit if somebody just gave it a chance. It’s one of my favourite songs to play still to this day. I think that songs so good. I’m glad you do as well thank you for the compliment.

We caught you guys in LA and Vegas years ago when you would do cover sets. Are you stoked that people want your original songs live these days?

Lexxi Foxx
Yeah it’s a blast. But I have to say doing those residencies were so fun having the world come to see us. That might be fun for us to do again next year as well as touring. Having people want our originals though is a very humbling cool thing and I thank Satchel all the time for that. Writing songs that are so good that people would rather hear than us do Motley Crüe is very cool. We are just happy that people dig what we do.

Can you leave us with a last message for all of your Australian fans?

Lexxi Foxx
I just want to thank everybody out there we just love Australia. It’s really fun to get ready and pick out what I’m going to wear. We look forward to partying with you guys down under and especially the girls down under.

(interview by Christian Ross)

Steel Panther tour

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