In the fast-paced, high-adrenaline action thriller Point Break a young FBI agent, Johnny Utah, infiltrates a cunning team of thrill seeking elite athletes –led by the charismatic Bodhi. The athletes are suspected of carrying out a spate of crimes in extremely unusual ways. Deep undercover, and with his life in imminent danger, Utah strives to prove they are the architects of a string of inconceivable crimes. The film is replete with the most daring athleticism ever seen in a motion picture. These action adventure feats are performed by elite athletes representing the world’s best in class in big-wave surfing, wingsuit flying, sheer-face snowboarding, free rock climbing, and high-speed motorcycling.
Stars Luke Bracey (The November Man, GI Joe Retaliation) , Edgar Ramirez (The Bourne Ultimatum,Wrath of The Titans) and Ray Winstone.
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