Ben Murray and Trey Derbes of HEARTSOUNDS have joined forces with Ryan Hansen (Light This City/Glacier Eater) and Bret Fontaine (The Business End) to create WILDERNESS DREAM, a thrash metal band from Oakland, California. The band’s 6 track debut EP is available for streaming in FULL now The preorder for the Self-Titled 12″ EP has been launched as well in our online store– These will ship before October 13th, 2015. From “Metal fans of a certain age and MetalSucks readers who were with us very early on (archive) may remember Light This City, a talented melodic death metal band from San Francisco who for a brief moment seemed poised to break through. The band broke up in 2008, but drummer and band co-founder Ben Murray continued making music with Heartsounds (together with LTC vocalist Laura Nichol) and releasing music by that band and others on his label, Creator Destructor. Murray is back with another new project, this one decidedly more metal than Heartsounds (and possibly more than Light This City, too). In Wilderness Dream Murray drops his drumsticks in favor of a guitar pick and a microphone, and he’s joined by Ryan “Hollywood” Hansen (who played on LTC’s Stormchaser album) on guitar and Trey Derbes from Heartsounds on drums. Murray describes the band as sounding like “Sacrifice meets Ringworm meets Cursed,” and that’s really not that far off — it’s fast and furious, it’s got roots in both metal and hardcore and it’s melodic without being cheesy at all.” |