Welcome to election week!

Applause for the NSW Labor for being the only political party who have directly addressed all of the demands put forward by Don’t Kill Live Music with on paper commitment, you can read the letter from John Graham Shadow Minister for Music here.

Please check out a list of demands here

The NSW Greens, Keep Sydney Open, NSW Liberal Democrats and NSW Christian Democrats are the only other parties who have committed to repealing the festival license.

If you want to know where the range of political partiesstand on all issues relating to music, MusicNSW have an Election Report Card you can view here.

To save live music in NSW we need to change the government. 

It is imperative to number every box on the ballot paper with your preference order. 

Only ticking one box will make your vote redundant if that party doesn’t have the majority of votes. 

For your vote to count, you need to number all boxes in order of preference. 
*If you are confused, ask the staff at the polling booth for help.  

We suggest Labor, Keep Sydney Open and The Greens as your top three. 

Remember to put the Libs, One Nation and the Nats LAST! 

127,000 people have signed the Change.org petition, and over 10,000 signatures have been collected on the physical petition, which means Don’t Kill Live Music has ensured that the petition can be published in the NSW Parliamentary Hansard and debated in the House. Further, the Ministers responsible for the subject areas of the DKLM petition will be required to respond to the issues DKLM raises within 35 days after the petition has been received.

Our fight is still far from over. We cannot have a State Government that is willingly killing our access to music and culture. The Berejiklian Government have made it very clear they will do everything in their power to kill live music in NSW. DKLM & the music community have lost confidence in the Berejiklian LNP govt.

The biggest opportunity to make our voices heard now lies just ahead in the NSW State Election. Don’t miss your chance to fight for the music we all love.

Get Out & VOTE on March 23
Applications for postal and online voting are already open, or simply attend a local voting station on the day. To make your vote countmake sure you number ALL your preference – not just your number 1 vote! Full instructions > https://bit.ly/2XAbgX2
Don’t let the Berejiklian LNP Government kill live music.

Don’t sit back and watch them ruin NSW.


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