When it comes to boxing movies no name is more iconic than Rocky. Whenever I hear “eye of the tiger” or think of Stallone running up those icon Philadelphia steps and memories of Rocky come flooding back.  Now the legacy of Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky lives on through the Creed franchise. Back in 2015 the first Creed was released and now a few years after the success of the film we get the continuation of the story with Creed 2. The sequel sees Michael B Jordan return to the role of  Adonis Creed with mentor Rocky Balboa back by his side.

This time around Heavyweight champion Adonis now has a family meaning a lot more to fight for. He sees himself up against his toughest opponent the son of Ivan Drago played by Dolph Lundgren who reprises his role from Rocky 4. With absolutely nothing to lose Russian fighter Drago becomes the ultimate challenger. While Adonis trains for his bout Rocky takes on his own journey of self reflection and looks to mend his relationship with his son. 

So if your a fan of boxing, Stallone movies or just want a great story about fighting adversity against the odds then Creed 2 is for you. The Blu-ray version of the film shows the impact of Apollo Creed and Ivan Drago on the Rocky movie franchise and how Viktor Drago was cast.  Creed two delivers the one, two knockout that we have come to expect from the Rocky movie franchise. 

SCORE – 8/10

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